Book Chapters
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E. Romano, J. Jim´enez-Martınez, A. Parmigiani, X. Kong and I. Battiato, “Contribution of pore-scale approach to macroscale geofluids modelling in porous media”, Volume 2019, Article ID 6305391, 4 pages, Geofluids (2019).
Battiato, I., ‘Multiscale models of flow and transport’, in Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, Chp. 29, Eds J. H. Cushman, D. M. Tartakovsky, CRC Press, 978-1-49- 870304-8, (2016). pdf
Battiato, I., Tartakovsky, D. M., ‘From Upscaling Techniques to Hybrid Models’. Mathematical and numerical modeling in porous media: Applications in geosciences, CRC Press. (2012). pdf